Freezing Pumpkin for Later–oh wait, Just Kidding :)

I didn’t expect a completely original recipe to come to me (originality is being geared toward paper, which I’m still contemplating on writing. No worries, I can skip one paper for this course) but alas, when the spirit of creativity pays you a visit, you don’t shoo him away…
Especially if this spirit mentions pumpkin 🙂
Let’s backtrack though to around 3pm when I decided to puree-up my pumpkin. It was so cute and smooth and delicious, much more so than that canned stuff. It made soooo much puree that I decided to freeze some of it for later use. Or so I thought.
Until just 10 minutes ago when I came back to my room thirsty. I knew I could just be boring and pour myself a glass of water, but as I was about to do just that, I looked at the freezer. And I looked across the room at my ripened bananas.
I looked back toward the freezer.
Than the bananas.
And then it came to me. Incredibly excited, I tore through my little freezer, unburied the pumpkin puree, and checked to see if it was frozen–It was! I then took my small banana from across the room, hurriedly peeled it and stuffed it in my blender followed by dolloping a 1/2 cup of frozen pumpkin puree and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
I pressed “Blend” and watched nummy deliciousness being combined before my eyes.
The result wasn’t quite a smoothie but then wasn’t quite thick enough to be ice creamy, so I don’t know what to call it. But the point is, it was amazing. Banana + pumpkin = the perfect amount of sweetness with a touch of fall 🙂 And it totally quenched my thirst 😉

So here’s the recap, and if anyone has an idea as to what to call this, let me know 🙂
(Oh and by the way, this functions as a light dessert with about 150 calories :O)

  • 1/2 cup Frozen pumpkin
  • 1 banana (I’m going to try freezing the banana next time to get more of an ice creamy texture. But this was a moment of passion, there was no forward thinking involved)
  • Sprinkle cinnamon
  • Blend!
This makes a really small amount but then again you don’t need much! If you want to make this go a long way, add ice or some milk or yogurt to make it a full-fledged smoothie!

Blogging for Productivity

It’s Sunday morning which, for any college student, means one thing: homework. And lots of it. I have so much to do and it feels as though this day (day of rest? bahhh!) has to end with me completing most of the things on my to-do list which, in case you were wondering (you probably weren’t, but I’m going to tell you anyway) includes:

  • Writing some of a paper on the Civil Rights Movement and how it initially challenged and later rejected New Deal Liberalism
  • Reading a biography of Ella Baker (fabulous woman by the way, I really recommend the book!) in order to write said paper in bullet point #1 (I’m only 38% through, so says my Kindle–eek!)
  • Doing my various readings for the week, most of which are due on Wednesday
  • Writing an annotated bibliography & developing an outline for my sociology paper on childhood obesity solutions (due on Wed)
  • Doing the laundry. It needs to happen.
  • Making/baking something or other. Because it’s a stress-reliever for me and I like food.
  • Compiling a list of items I’ll be making this week. Curious as to what that may entail? 
    • Baked Oatmeal Snack Bars –I’ll be adapting a recipe from Kath Eats Real Food
    • Sugar-Free Banana Bread –adapted from Chocolate-Covered Katie
    • Pumpkin Butter –another one from KERF
Those are just the non-original recipes I’m thinking of at the moment, although those are all subject to change, so don’t hold me to them! Wondering why no main courses? Well this weekend I bought FOUR squash (3 acorn/carnival + 1 spaghetti) and I will continue this week to come up with multiple ways to stuff squash and eat it. These ideas, however, need some time to germinate, and considering the scant amount of mental space I can truly devote to creativity right now, original recipes are getting put on the backburner.
But the biggest news is that I’m back to blogging 😀 and I’m going to make an sincere effort to get pics up with my posts to make things a bit more fun/visual/salivation-stimulating. Check back for a revamped Recipes page soon. I plan on putting in a lot more, adding/deleting portions, etc… 
But as any dutiful college senior should say: “Homework first!”