Resignation & Preparation

So, remember how I was mentioning that paper that I may/may not end up doing?
It ain’t happenin’ folks 😛 It’s funny because I have all the ideas/concepts/theses there but nothing is coming out! I literally made this incredibly complex web of thoughts over my lunch break on my whiteboard (visuals always help me organize my thoughts) and I left lunch feeling confident about the paper. I came back, 4 hours later and found myself looking at a tangled web of unorganized/scatter-brained/way-too-broad-to-make-a-good-concise-paper MESS! So, seeing as the paper is due on Wednesday morning…it isn’t going to happen.
Which only means one thing: I’m going to have to kick my planner into gear so this doesn’t happen again. But it’s hard when one week you’re so focused on one subject and then as soon as that’s over BAM! another assignment, that’s conveniently due next week, hits you in the face. 
Anyway, suffice it to say I took a good chunk of my time tonight setting up reminders all over my Google Calendar about when to start studying for this or when to begin writing this paper. I will not be caught off guard again, mark my words…
In other news…SQUASH!

Have you ever seen anything so marvelous? Allow me to explain the 2 concoctions pictured above:
1st up (at the top) => Acorn Squash Stuffed w/ Cranberries + Wheatberries
  • Just cook your squash the way you do (my method–microwave–involves nuking for 2 min, slicing in half, scooping out the innards,  and nuking for ~8 min or until skin is really soft)
  • When done, put 1/2 cup cranberries + 1/4 cup wheatberries in a bowl and microwave until cranberries have burst (you’ll hear it! this should only be a few min tops!)
  • Scoop the cranberry + wheatberry mixture into the 2 squash halves and top with cinnamon
2nd up (at the bottom) => Acorn Squash Stuffed w/ Black Beans
  • Looking for a more savory supper? Cook the squash (see above) and heat 1/2 cup black beans + diced green peppers/onions + dashes of cumin for ~1.5 min
  • Stuff your squash and enjoy!

Sigh…simply marvelous 🙂
Oh dear, time for bed! I’ll leave you with a pic from my fruit/veggie stand I worked at over the summer…Sigh, I miss summer 😦

Question of Day: What are your favorite ways of preparing squash?