This Week: Good Eats #2

This week was chock (that word looks weird when written out…hmmmm) FULL of good eats – therefore let’s jump right into it shall we?


No pics (as explained here) but oatie goodness this week featured more juicy blueberries and melty bananas than strawberries. Sometimes the latter are simply too tart to put in my oats…plus they lack the mini-explosion factor that blueberries possess when heated 🙂

AM Snack

My most significant snacks are in the morning (usually, unless my tummy is being a growling beast in the afternoon). I just tend to eat more in the AM than the PM. This week it was all about these snacks in a jar and, as always, my BF’s bread takes center stage with cashew butter on my day off 🙂


I totally rocked the kale this week! If you’re wondering why that statement demanded an exclamation point, you should know that it has been extremely hard for me to like kale. I’ve gone from choking down raw kale salads to pulverizing them in my blender with a banana to finally (!) being able to enjoy them in all their green glory. My secret? It’s all about finding a good solid dressing (see tomorrow’s gratitude post for a killer one) and, yes, massaging. I had heard it before and didn’t believe it but, alas, it is true: one must treat your kale before your kale can treat you. 
As for toppings, I went with some baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, pickled beets (courtesy of my DIY father!), and some goat cheese 🙂


If dinner had a theme this week it would be ingenuity! Yes, I’m tooting my own horn here, but come on, these were darn delicious meals I concocted!
Top left: Leftover chicken tortilla soup
Top right: Salad composed of bulgur, corn, leftover sweet potato burger, cherry tomatoes, and ketchup
Bottom left to right: Polenta served with an Italian (tomatoes + onion + basil + oregano) sauce, Whole Foods Friday salad, a fantastic way to incorporate noodles and greens (to be shared tomorrow…)

And that was this week’s good eats! Stay tuned tomorrow for some links if any of this piqued your interest 🙂

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