Sunday Gratitude

I’ve been withholding a secret from all of you…
You may or may not have noticed that most of my posts don’t really have any bread involved. It’s just me + veg + fruit. Nothing wrong with that, buuuutttt lest you think I had fallen off the deep end gone gluten-free, I must shamefully admit that I just never thought to post about it before…Well, consider yourself hoodwinked because, alas, I have been gorging eating bread this entire time! (mwah ha ha!)  But it’s no bread you’ve ever seen… 🙂 
It’s beautiful, hand-crafted at least twice a week, freshly baked in my oven in my apartment, studded with raisins and sunflower seeds, a conglomeration of rye/spelt/whole wheat and all-purpose flours…
And, did I mention it’s made by my man? Oh yes, consider this to be BF-bread and I can never/will never ever get enough 🙂 And, hey, I guess it’s also my first gratitude-giving this week – thanks hun!

To keep the thanks comin’….

A HUGE thanks to my DIY Dad for these pickled beets– another under-appreciated fellow on this blog that deserves some recognition. Not only does he brew his own beers, concoct his own wines, jammify can his own jellies (my rhubarb-ginger jar is almost gone!), and pickle his own veg, but he also has a vlog to top it all off! Check it out here! 

Another commonality between my lunch salads from last week was the fabulous dressing that not only made kale palatable but helped everything come together! To make this great tahini-maple dressing and many more, check out this post by Kathy at the Lunchbox Bunch!

And last but certainly not least is this great greens n’ noodles salad inspired by My New Roots – a gorgeous blog that I have just begun following. Sarah’s writing is always thoughtful and inspiring and she takes a similar approach to her recipes which always contain simple ingredients brought together to form complex and amazing flavors. I really encourage you all to add her to your blog feed and to check out the recipe that inspired my soba noodle/chard concoction here!

Another great week is ahead, I can feel it!

What is the most interesting/strange-but-good jam or jelly you have ever had?

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