Freezing Pumpkin for Later–oh wait, Just Kidding :)

I didn’t expect a completely original recipe to come to me (originality is being geared toward paper, which I’m still contemplating on writing. No worries, I can skip one paper for this course) but alas, when the spirit of creativity pays you a visit, you don’t shoo him away…
Especially if this spirit mentions pumpkin πŸ™‚
Let’s backtrack though to around 3pm when I decided to puree-up my pumpkin. It was so cute and smooth and delicious, much more so than that canned stuff. It made soooo much puree that I decided to freeze some of it for later use. Or so I thought.
Until just 10 minutes ago when I came back to my room thirsty. I knew I could just be boring and pour myself a glass of water, but as I was about to do just that, I looked at the freezer. And I looked across the room at my ripened bananas.
I looked back toward the freezer.
Than the bananas.
And then it came to me. Incredibly excited, I tore through my little freezer, unburied the pumpkin puree, and checked to see if it was frozen–It was! I then took my small banana from across the room, hurriedly peeled it and stuffed it in my blender followed by dolloping a 1/2 cup of frozen pumpkin puree and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
I pressed “Blend” and watched nummy deliciousness being combined before my eyes.
The result wasn’t quite a smoothie but then wasn’t quite thick enough to be ice creamy, so I don’t know what to call it. But the point is, it was amazing. Banana + pumpkin = the perfect amount of sweetness with a touch of fall πŸ™‚ And it totally quenched my thirst πŸ˜‰

So here’s the recap, and if anyone has an idea as to what to call this, let me know πŸ™‚
(Oh and by the way, this functions as a light dessert with about 150 calories :O)

  • 1/2 cup Frozen pumpkin
  • 1 banana (I’m going to try freezing the banana next time to get more of an ice creamy texture. But this was a moment of passion, there was no forward thinking involved)
  • Sprinkle cinnamon
  • Blend!
This makes a really small amount but then again you don’t need much! If you want to make this go a long way, add ice or some milk or yogurt to make it a full-fledged smoothie!

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